International Business Law
International Business Law
Forfatter: Bjarke Tinten, Lotte Mohr Dupont-Mersing, Trine Lyneborg Krohn Schaldemose
Format: Hæftet
Sprog: Dansk
ISBN: 9788741260389
Højde: 246 mm
Bredde: 172 mm
Antal sider: 208
International Business Law focuses on the rules that govern the relationship between traders from two or more countries.
Read 2 new chapters on Transport Law and Public Procurement Law here:
In recent years, it has become much easier for traders to enter into agreements across borders. It is easy to market one’s product, negotiate, and conclude agreements in other countries without having to meet in person. Furthermore, transport and delivery no longer necessarily need to be
complicated or costly.
International Business Law examins:
International sources of law and international dispute resolution
Private international law
International conclusion of contracts and sales
Sales and delivery
Intellectual property rights
International marketing and advertising
EU competition rules and the EU Services Directive
Methods of distribution
Securing the purchase price
Employment Law Issues
The target audience of the book are students on the PBA programmes, espeicially the PBA in international sales and marketing management, but it will also be of interest to others.
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